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Crop It Like It's Hot | Knit Top + Printed High-Waisted Pants + Mules

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wait. How is it already halfway through the fifth month out of 2019? Mind-blowing... And speaking of mind-blowing – how is there only one episode left of Game of Thrones ever?! Time is flying too quickly. Which is also why it's been extra hard for me to fit in LunaVida posts – and for that, I am very sorry! But I'm back today with an #OOTD that is very "Art Teacher Chic" if you ask me. Doesn't this outfit look like (a hopefully cooler version of) something your 7th-grade art teacher would've worn but, like, with a paintbrush tucked behind her ear? ...Maybe I have too much of an imagination... but regardless, I am iiinto this new trend of comfy, breezy, wide-leg pants!

Black knit crop top with side zippers (also seen here): ASOS

Print high-waist cropped pants with tie: American Eagle
[similar - on sale for under $16!]

Nude mules: American Eagle

Gold aviator sunglasses (here): Old Navy

Gold statement collar necklace (also seen here, here, and here): H&M

Gold bracelets (also seen here, here, and here): Target, c/o oNecklace, and c/o Blue Sunflowers

Do you watch GoT? (If so, what are your theories?!) Are you into the lightweight, baggy pants trend? If you're not a fan, I get it. But I also recommend trying on a pair – because, honestly, this level of non-pajama comfort is unparalleled.

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Super Bloomin' | Military Jacket + Tee + Ripped Jeans + Eco-Friendly Sneakers

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Happy (belated) Earth Day! 🌍 Being an activist (by profession and as a personal choice), the planet – and all of its inhabitants – are constantly at the forefront of my mind. A thought I often find myself wondering is, what if we all just thought of every single day as "Earth Day"? Can you imagine what we could get done? If we always recycled. If we always remembered our reusable shopping bags and metal straws. If we always picked up all of the litter we saw on our walks. If we always ate plant-based foods.

Can you just picture that for a second?

It may be a fantasy, but the thought alone nevertheless warms my cold, cold heart. And you know what? We can do it. In the end, it's not really up to corporations or organizations or governments. It's actually up to us as individuals to rise up and demand the changes we want to see by actually doing. So let's do. All of us. The future depends on it.

Olive green military jacket (also seen here, here, and here): Old Navy

Gray v-neck t-shirt (also seen here, here, and here): Old Navy

Ripped skinny jeans (also seen here, here, and here): Target

Reebok "Cotton and Corn" white vegan tennis shoes: Amazon
I first learned about these eco-conscious shoes thanks to one of my favorite plant-based blogs, Fashion Veggie. They are so comfortable and go with everything –– but best of all, they are 100% vegan and made out of organic cotton and corn!
Matt and I are traveling to Europe again this summer (YAY!), and these babies will for sure be making the journey with me. They make for the best walking shoes ever. I can't recommend them enough!

Pink print bandana scarf: J.Crew

Cognac belt (also seen here, here, and here): Gap

Handmade multicolored woven tote bag: Urban Outfitters

14K gold layered necklaces (also seen here, here, and here): c/o Sivado Studio

24K gold personalized Roman Numeral cuff bracelet (also seen here, here, and here): c/o oNecklace

Things got a little heavy at the top there ^^ 😅 But I figured these STUNNING yellow flowers and the coastal views would help lighten the mood – and remind us the beauty of this very planet we are fighting for. Because, my oh my, Mother Earth really is a special lady.

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Favorite Florals | Bomber Jacket + Crop Top + Ripped Levi's

Friday, April 12, 2019

Long time, no see -- especially in the realm of outfit posts, eh? I won't lie to you. Since I work from home 90% of the clothes I wear are sweatpants. Another 5% are yoga pants for going to the gym. And that leaves just 5% of my life that I actually wear "real" clothes for, hence the lack of OOTDs to share 🙆

Life has also been spectacularly busier than normal. Matt and I spent the weekend before my birthday up in a snowy cabin with the dogs in Big Bear Lake (which I intend to eventually share a travel guide for because we LOVED it up there!). I started my new job the day after we got back and then was it was off to Pennsylvania the week after for five days for a work retreat. Then when I came home to San Diego, I got to see Cirque du Soleil for the first time (which was just as fun as everyone says it is), I relished in spring, Matt and I redid our backyard garden due to said relishing in springtime, etc, etc, etc. You see, really, I've just been living life. And I'm still getting my footing with the new routine. But LunaVida is always in the back of my mind -- and it's the first task I do when I have extra time. So here we are now! I have a free night that doesn't call for Zumba class or having to be social (#IntrovertProbs) or simply lacking the extra energy due to the pure exhaustion that sometimes comes from life as a working adult. So anyway, I hope you enjoy the first vegan fashion post up on LunaVida since February (👀)

Navy and white floral print bomber jacket (also seen here & here): Old Navy

Burgundy button up ribbed crop top: American Eagle
[similar - on sale!]

Levi's 721 high rise distressed skinny jeans: Shopbop

Cognac belt (also seen here, here & here): Gap

Brown flat slide sandals (also seen here): Target

Gold bangles (also seen here, here & here): Bridesmaid gift and Madewell via Shopbop

Wooden clutch (also seen here, here & here): c/o UncommonGoods

Raw ruby necklace (also seen here, here & here): Love Gem Studio

14K gold initial necklace (also seen here, here & here): c/o Sivado Studio

Now that I'm (finally) back with an outfit post, I'm curious: what are your favorite types of LunaVida posts to see? Personal style? Vegan living? Cruelty-free gift guides? General life updates? Please let me know so that I can make sure I'm writing posts you actually want to see!

Hoping your spring has been off to a fantastic start so far -- and continues to keep up that way!

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Birthday, Baby, and Business Cards - Oh My! | Basic Invite

Thursday, April 11, 2019

This post is sponsored by Basic Invite. All opinions expressed are my own.
Thank you so much for supporting the brands that help me to continue running LunaVida!

We've made it to spring, people! The season of very welcomed weather changes, longer days, and beautiful blooms and allergies. It's also the beginning of outdoor patio parties, wedding season, and all the most fun celebrations that we wait all year for -- which is where Basic Invite comes in! Basic Invite offers a variety of paper products ranging from invitations to stationery to custom business cards. What really sets them apart, however, is that with over 180 color options, Basic Invite lets you customize items down to the exact shades you need. They even offer printed samples so you can see exactly what your product will look like before you place the final order. Scroll down to see more of their gorgeous products!

Also photos provided by Basic Invite

Speaking of spring, it is, of course, also a great time for deep cleaning. For me, spring cleaning means an annual overhaul of my life, past just tidying up around the house. The fresh season serves as a perfect time to update our personal and professional lives. And one aspect that Basic Invite can certainly help with is creating stunning, unique, new business cards to up your professional game. Be sure to check out some of their best-looking business cards if you're in the market to upgrade your own!

Basic Invite also offers a variety of invitation designs for your next event, be it a baby or bridal shower, wedding, birthday, or even graduation! As I mentioned previously, they have tons of colors options, as well as foil cards!

You can order custom stationery and stickers too, as well as thank you cards and your annual holiday cards! You can pick one of their available designs, pop in your information, and even add in special photos to make them extra special.

No matter what occasion you may have coming up in life, Basic Invite is there to help make it memorable! And to make it even better, Basic Invite is currently offering 15% off with coupon code "15FF51"! Be sure to get your order in before the sale is over 📬

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Which products are the most appealing to you? Do you have any big events coming up?

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On Turning 30

Monday, March 18, 2019

Well, this is the last day of my 20s. (Meaning I turn 30 tomorrow, in case that wasn't apparent enough 😉) These past few weeks of my 20s have been so fun-filled (hence the lack of LunaVida posts 😳). Two of my best friends since grade school flew to San Diego to celebrate us all entering a new decade together. Then my mom visited from Ohio right after, and we went up to LA for a tour de vegan food. This past weekend, Matt and I took a road trip with the dogs up to a cabin in Big Bear for my birthday. And today, on the final day of my 29th year, I began a brand new job. Today is the last day of my 20s but the first day of working for my dream organization (!!!).

People have been asking me in the months leading up to March 19th, "Aren't you scared to be turning 30?" Honestly, I'm not nervous at all. Oddly enough, this lack of negative emotions has shocked me for the past few weeks leading up to today, because all your life you grow up with people telling you how terrifying the "Dirty Thirty" bday is. I just haven't experienced that anxiety of aging at all yet though. (Minus the wrinkles and white hairs that have popped up. Those? Those have been a bummer.).

I just feel lucky. Really, really, really lucky to be right where I am. Living in San Diego in a teensy tiny house by the beach with Matt and our four [nonhuman] babies. Working from home for one of my very favorite animal protection organizations, The Humane League. Being able to do the exact work I've dreamt of doing since I was a kid, which has always been to work for animals. Planning a trip to Europe this summer to see two of our best friends get married in Santorini. Having healthy and loving relationships with friends and family (and, as of last month, a brand new niece too!). Simply getting the opportunity to do all of these things so early on in life. The very things that I grew up fantasizing about one day happening, but never being quite sure of the path it'd take to get there.

If I am being 100% truthful though, it was far from an easy journey the past decade. That said, however, I'm fortunate enough to finally be exactly where I imagined I'd be at 30. Reaching this place took a lot of risks and years of hard work. I say this not to be boastful, but because as I've become an adult I've realized it is okay to be proud of your accomplishments. We all work so hard to get where we want to be and, just like we'd congratulate our friends' on their successes, we should be proud of our own too!

It takes a lot of dedication and some real fearlessness to get what we really want out of our lives. And at times, for me personally at least, this meant I even had to accept that by defying people's [outdated] expectations of a "typical" 30-year-old (ya know the one - married, with a mortgage for a house in the suburbs that has 2+ guest bedrooms, and pregnant with my second child), some people just simply will never understand the choices we make. Again, that is okay. Just like the whole "white-picket-fence-American-Dream" lifestyle that many grow up hearing about is a great goal to have in life, so is the flip side.

(Side note: If you didn't already know, Matt and I met when we were 18. Over the past 11+ years together, I can't even begin to count the number of times people have told Matt and me how we have chosen to live our lives together isn't acceptable/appropriate/sustainable. Just because we don't have a "traditional" lifestyle or plan to have a wedding ceremony doesn't mean we aren't in a deeply loving, committed, supportive, lifelong partnership. Throughout all of our years together, we have never let public opinion sway us. And for that, I am so grateful. I never forget how fortunate I am to have a strong partner in Matt who is always on the same page at the end of the day, despite what some may say about relationships like ours. And while many people may judge our choices, we also have many family members and friends who are very understanding of Matt and I deciding not to get married and have kids. We do, however, know lots of other couples and single people who are also constantly plagued by the same extremely personal questions about marriage and having kids -- and that sh*t really needs to stop. It's time we let people make their own life decisions without always feeling the need to include our input. End of rant. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk 😜)

Whew. I seemingly got way off topic there! But it all comes back to this one vital theme I've learned throughout my 20s: It is okay not to want the same things that "everyone else" seems to wantBecause truth be told, the most important expectations we need to live up to are our own -- not the standards set by our friends, partners, moms, dads, grandparents, in-laws, neighbors, etc. After all, when we are on our death beds do we really want to look back and regret never having made our own decisions because we were too afraid of what others may have said? No thanks. I want to go out knowing that even though I fell (and will most certainly continue to fall) on my face hundreds of times trying, at least I didn't give up on the life I always dreamed of.

Here's to the best that's still to come.

[These photos were taken off the side of a highway in the middle of nowhere during our road trip from Denver last summer. Matt and I simply couldn't drive safely while simultaneously trying to enjoy the view of this post-storm sunset. Sometimes ya just have to pull over and get out of the car on the side of a desolate road.]

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Thanks for reading and supporting this little blog o' mine. On to the next ten years 😊

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