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Showing posts sorted by date for query blog anniversary. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Cruelty-Free Gift Guide

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hello! How has your holiday season been going so far? Per usual, the days are flying by quicker than ever. (Which is terrifying, but also supposedly normal?) Yet another reason why it's been so long since there's been a new LunaVida post. But I'm back with a 100% vegan and cruelty-free gift guide! (If you'd like to see past gift guides for even more ideas, you can check those out here.)

I wanted to post this with a bit of a disclaimer though. You may have noticed over the past few years that, while I've never been one to not re-wear the same articles of clothing (for literally years and years), this blog has really transformed over the years. That's because I really don't want to contribute to unnecessary consumerism. Our planet just can't handle our ongoing wastefulness. It simply can't. That being said, you know what would be better than any of these presents listed here? Donating to a cause that is close to your loved one's heart. Cooking a plant-based holiday meal for a neighbor in need. Spending our most valuable resource (our time) to volunteer at an animal shelter or picking up litter. Isn't that what the holiday season should be about anyway? Not Dudley Dursley-level numbers of toys that kids will break in a few hours or yet another gray sweater. (Don't get me wrong. I love a good grey sweater on Black Friday sale too, but once I learned about the environmental impact fast fashion is having on our planet, I can't in good conscious keep buying whenever a whim strikes or simply because something is a good deal.)

Trust me. I enjoy stuff as much as the next person. And I still have a long way to go in lessening my unnecessary waste and fast fashion. (Truly ethical brands are so expensive! 😓 But really, if you know of a good one that someone on a nonprofit salary can afford, please share.). But over the past couple of years, I've been trying to make a conscious effort to resist the rampant consumerism that is alive and well in our society—especially when December hits each year. If we're going to be making those holiday purchases though, let's collectively agree to at least do so as mindfully as possible, yeah? That's why today's gift guide has vegan, cruelty-free, and affordable ideas for all sorts of people in your life! (And please know that this is not me shaming anyone! I am just as guilty as the next person and can do so much better. And hey, if you have been needing something, hell yes take advantage of all the sales going on this time of year! Save that hard-earned money, honey. But many of us can certainly be more cognizant of our "spending just to spend" habits.)

- - -

Stocking stuffers

Handheld plant milk frother
I admit that I bought this with no real need for it, other than that I was trying to cut back on our weekend morning trips to the coffee shop down the street from our house. That being said, Matt and I LOVE ours. And yes, best of all, it has drastically reduced the number of coffee shop oat milk lattes we buy. We make our weekend AM cups of coffee at home so much more now!

Reusable K-Cups
I am SO bummed that K-Cups are still even a thing. They are so heartbreakingly wasteful. We do have a Keurig, but we've never bought K-Cups. Instead, we buy bulk size coffee grounds of our favorite flavors and use these reusable coffee pods instead. It literally takes under 10 seconds to fill them up, so it's still super convenient and quick like a Keurig's purpose is supposed to be!

Pacifica products
There are so many to choose from, but you can't go wrong with this 100% vegan and cruelty-free brand! They're a go-to for me for allllllll types of beauty products. These sheet masks or this skincare set would be fun (and actually desirable) for White Elephant.

Tarte Cosmetics Collection
The mascara included in this set is by far the best I've ever used! It's so good that it's the only kind the I use. My mom and sisters are hooked too! I also love the other Tarte makeup I've used, so this seems like a solid option.

Herb garden
This is such a cute idea for anyone who may not have outdoor space but wishes they could grow their own food. Plus, who doesn't love beautiful greenery in their home?

Enough said.

Gifts under $30—and that make donations on your behalf!

Dog tee - 20% of profits are donated to animal shelters! 
I personally have this shirt (seen here and here) so I can vouch that it'd make an amazing present for the animal lover in your life.  (I also have this Extra Dog Mom sweatshirt and this Home With My Cat t-shirt from the same shop. Highly recommend those too!)

100% Human tank - $5 from each product in this collection sold goes to the American Civil Liberties Union.
This brand is known for its transparency. They partner with only the best factories and ensure employees are paid a fair wage and work reasonable hours in a safe environment.

Socks - For each clothing item purchased, a "specially-designed donation clothing item of the same kind is donated to someone in need." 
My mom told me about this company. She loves their no show socks. They are pretty pricey and, let's be honest, not everyone wants socks for a gift... but I love how they give back and had to include them!

Ethically responsible subscription box - They partner with orgs that empower disadvantaged communities and create jobs.
My sister got me this for Christmas last year and then again for my 30th birthday. It's that good! The value is insane—and even better, they source only the highest quality, cruelty-free, and socially responsible brands! I've literally loved every item I've received in those boxes and found new brands I want to support.

Amazing organizations who I'm sure would love a donation from you :D

The Humane League
Yes, it may seem that I'm being biased because this is the group I work for. BUT it was my favorite organization long before I was ever employed by them! THL fights to make largescale change for billions for animals on factory farms across the globe every day. I know firsthand that your gift goes on to help great work be done :)

A Well-Fed World
You know what doesn't make any sense? Using meat, which uses a disturbing amount of resources, to feed those experiencing hunger. You may be like "WTF are you saying? Why?" Well, for example, more than half of the grain in the United States and nearly 40% of the entire world's grain is being fed to livestock, rather than being eaten directly by people. That is A LOT of wasted food. How about, instead, we cut out the middle part and feed healthier, more sustainable, and less cruelty-centric plants to humans? This NGO lets you donate a meal, similarly to another very famous org that has you purchase a live animal to feed a family; however, rather than killing an innocent creature, you feed an impoverished child healthier and more sustainable plant-based options!

Planned Parenthood
Because access to affordable healthcare FOR ALL matters. Plain and simple.

Everytown For Gun Safety
This group is helping to bring commonsense gun reform to the United States. There are 100 gun-related deaths every single day in America. That is unacceptable. We can do better. Everytown is working to make a safer world a reality by fighting gun violence.

American Civil Liberties Union
This human rights organization's mission is to "defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States."

Groups in your local community
Your own neighborhood may need your help! Whether it's spending time with the elderly, meals on wheels, socializing cats at your local shelter, doing a river cleanup, helping to build a barn at a nearby farm animal sanctuary, or any of the other thousands of things that need our aid, you can do so much to help the causes your loved one's care about without ever having to spend a penny.
*During this time of year, a lot of these orgs probably have donors who are matching gifts, so your donations can be doubled—even tripled in some cases!*

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It's odd (and kinda hard) for me to create gift guides. That's probably because I'm just not a big "gift person" personally. It's my very last love language (Matt's too, actually), so I'm both not great at giving or receiving gifts. This is not a great trait, I know, but presents just don't cross my mind often. I'd rather someone spend their money on an issue that's dear to them or help someone they know who's actually in need rather than give me something that I don't need. I know that sounds kinda bratty, but we live in a 750 square foot home—I simply don't have the space for anything extra! (Ha, just kidding.)

Oh, one more relevant thing that came to mind for this time of year! My sister recently told me about ThredUp's Clean Out Kit. They send you a bag, you put the clothes you want to donate in it, ship it back for free, and they either sell (and give you money or you can donate it) the clothes OR responsibly recycle them for you. Isn't that amazing?! And since I imagine a lot of us will be purging our closets in the coming weeks, you can sign up right here for a free kit to be mailed to you!

- - -

Happy holidays!

PS: Yesterday was LunaVida's seventh anniversary, which is insane! Thanks for sticking around all these years and through all the changes 🤗

PPS: And yes, I am aware how long it's been since I wrote a post on LunaVida. I apologize. I was not joking about how busy life has become in my 30s. So I'll try to be back here again as soon as I can! And as always, for more timely updates, follow along on Instagram @alliegee319 :)

Print In Progress | Cardigan + Blouse + Jeans + Boots [& LunaVida's 6th Anniversary!]

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Today is the 6th anniversary of LunaVida!

It's still so crazy to me that six years ago I decided to start a blog because we were living in a rural town in Florida -- and honestly, I was going stir-crazy for the year we were there. I needed a creative outlet and settled on a blog that I somehow still enjoy writing more than half a decade later - just now I get to do it while living in my dream city instead. You never know where things will go, or where life can take you in a matter of just a few years. (Which makes me want to remind anyone else who is currently feeling stuck, just like I was in good, ol' Spring Hill, that things do get better. We just have to work towards what we really want every single day, and eventually, we'll get there. Okay, sorry - promise that I'm done with the motivational speech... for today.)

Anyways, as I type this I am at my mom's house in Ohio with snow outside the window... aaand with hair that I dyed BLONDE kinda on a whim last night 👀 What better way to celebrate another "blogiversary" than with a brand new personal lewk? 😉 Just kidding, dying my hair had nothing to do with LunaVida turning six years old today. (And no, these photos don't show my new hair. You can see it on IG @alliegee319!)

White open front knit cardigan (also seen here, here & here): Target
[similar - currently 30% off!]

Multicolored floral print wrap top (also seen here): c/o Simply Be

Light wash ripped skinny jeans (also seen here, here & here): Target

Cognac belt (also seen here, here & here): Gap

Madewell cognac riding boots (also seen here, here & here): c/o Shopbop
[similar - under $30]

Mint green stud bracelet (also seen here, here & here): Urban Outfitters

14K gold layered necklaces (also seen here, here & here): c/o Sivado Studio

Urban Expressions vegan leather nude crossbody bag (also seen here): DSW

Off topic but the photos in today's post were taken in Julian, California back in October. I've discussed my love for this tiny town on more than one occasion, but the fall colors that were starting to pop through during this particular day trip made for the prettiest backdrop. Funnily enough, I'm now bundled under multiple blankets living that winter life back in the Midwest. Makes me feel like I'm really (temporarily) experiencing all the seasons this year!

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Makin' Me Blush [Pink] | Cardigan + Peplum Top + Skinny Jeans + Ankle Boots

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Happy Post-Holidays Haze, the time of year when none of us know what the date is! I can't believe Christmas has already come and gone, and now we are days away from it being the end of 2017. The older I get it seems like this is the new norm, but each year really does fly by quicker than the last. This year, like all do, had its ups and downs. It was our first full year living in California, I finally went vegan, I started a new job, and celebrated the five year anniversary of LunaVida. I can't wait to see what 2018 brings! I love the promise of a new year and all it will hold.

White knit cardigan (also seen here, here & here): Target
[similar - on sale for under $7!]

Blush pink peplum printed top (also seen here): Old Navy

Hudson dark wash skinny jeans (also seen here, here & here): c/o Shopbop

Carlos by Carlos Santana nude ankle boots (also seen here, here & here): Famous Footwear

Gold bar pendant necklace (also seen here): Nordstrom
[similar - currently half off!]

Madewell gold cuff bracelet (also seen here, here & here): c/o Shopbop
[similar - on sale!]

Gold stretch bracelet (also seen here, here & here): Target

24K gold monogram ring (also seen here, here & here): c/o oNecklace - on sale!

I head back to work tomorrow, so this will likely be my last blog post for 2017. I'll be back in January though, of course, so I'll see ya then!

Have a fun and safe New Year's Eve and an even better 2018.

- - - - -

What are your resolutions for the New Year ahead?

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Print It | Cocoon Coat + Top + Skinny Jeans + Ankle Boots [& Five Year Blog Anniversary!]

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Wait, what? It's been five years since I published my first ever post on LunaVida? HALF OF A DECADE? How is that actually possible?

This blog began almost exactly a year after I graduated from college. Back then Matt and I were spending a year in the deep countryside of Florida, having said yes to the first post-grad job offer that came our way. It was a rough year being stuck there in rural Florida for any amount of time, let alone a full year. (No shade at rural Florida, it's just not the right place for us.) I needed some type -- any kind, really -- of "creative outlet" and I somehow narrowed in on an affordable fashion blog.

Since my very first blog post ever (which you can see and cringe at with me here) our lives have changed a lot. We've moved from Florida to Arizona to California over the course of those five years. We've added two more members to our family, being Kingsley and Ollie, of course. (Back in December 2012 our family was just Matt, Kitten Luna, Puppy Kota, and myself!) My sisters both had daughters. Matt and I have both held different kinds of jobs. We've made amazing lifelong friends in adulthood while remaining close to childhood friends. We've made a lot of stupid mistakes and taken risks that paid off. We've had more Netflix and takeout nights than I can count. And every moment of these past five years, however adventurous or mundane, LunaVida has been there too. It's wild to think that this little virtual scrapbook has included everything from my evolving personal style to a diary of sorts from my 20s to my journey from super longtime vegetarian to [finally] going vegan. What an odd idea a blog is, but what else can give you the same thing? Well, I guess a paper journal circa 1997 can give you that... but it's the digital age now and I'm trying to stay current here, kids.

Navy and white print cocoon coat: Old Navy

Off-white lace babydoll blouse (also seen here): Target

Hudson dark wash skinny jeans (also seen here, here & here): c/o Shopbop
[similar - on sale!]

Splendid LA gray ankle boots (also seen here, here & here): c/o Shopbop

I am so lucky that LunaVida still doesn't feel like another job or chore (most days). It's still fun for me. It's a daily task that I often look forward to doing. That isn't always the case because it is certainly a labor of love, but it's also a continuous part of my life that I keep getting to learn from and get excited about.

Throughout the years of LunaVida, I've gained new skills. It's given me a gigantic timeline of my life over the past five years that I can look back on one day. It's allowed me to work with amazing brands. It has held me accountable and taught me how to prioritize better.

It's introduced to amazing people. Like you :)

I'm so grateful for all of you who choose to read this blog. It's much more fun to share and engage with you guys. So whether this is your first time ever stopping by LunaVida or you have read every single post since Day 1 (hi, Mom), thank you. I hope you'll keep coming back from five more years (and then some) 💗

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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Sweater: Skinny Jeans + Sweater + Flats [& LunaVida's 4th Anniversary!]

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Happy December, party people! First off, a sincerest thank you to my sister, Shannon, for thinking up this blog post title. Second, today is the fourth anniversary (or "blog-iversary," as some say...) of LunaVida. It blows my mind that I began writing this blog in 2012. Doesn't that seem so long ago? Realizing that actually makes me really proud that I stuck with it, though. LunaVida is definitely a labor of love - it seriously can take a lot of time. But I love it. I also love that you keep coming back to check in and if you ever have any suggestions or recommendations, I would love to hear them. It's no fun to write this if you aren't enjoying reading it, so please let me know what you do and don't like. And, most importantly, whether you have been a loyal reader since the beginning (I'm talking to you, family members) or just happened upon my blog today, thank you for following along with LunaVida!

Burgundy chunky knit sweater (also seen here): Old Navy
{Similar $, $$, $$$}

Hudson dark wash skinny jeans (also seen here, here & here): c/o Shopbop
{Similar $, $$, $$$}

Pointed-toe leopard print d'Orsay flats (also seen here & here): American Eagle
{Similar $, $$, $$$}

Rebecca Minkoff black "Mini Avery" tote handbag (also seen here, here & here): c/o Shopbop

Tortoiseshell oversized sunglasses (also seen here, here & here): c/o Polette

Madewell gold bangle: c/o Shopbop

How has your December been so far? Last week, I decided to book a last minute flight to come out to Ohio, and meet my new niece, Nora. I've been here for the past few days, spending some "Q.T." with my family and enjoying the Cincinnati life. I am about to head home to San Diego for a couple days, but then on Friday I head back east again, but this time to Savannah, Georgia. I'm maid of honor in my best friend Chelsea's wedding and it's bachelorette party time, baby! I cannot wait to celebrate her upcoming marriage!! (What a month it's already been - and it's not even Christmas yet!)

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Hat's Off: Sweater + Jeans + Boots [Plus LunaVida's 3rd Anniversary & a Giveaway!]

Sunday, December 6, 2015

I can't believe today is the third anniversary of LunaVida!  The fact that it's already been three years since I began this very blog just makes me realize that when people tell you "Life flies by the older you get," they seriously mean it.  Every year life goes by faster and faster; however, I love that no matter what changes, I can always come back when I am craving some nostalgia in my life and take a gander at some of my old [embarrassing] posts.  LunaVida is like an environmentally-friendly scrapbook, and I can't thank each and every one of you enough for reading it.  I mean it when I say I love and care for you all, and I would like to say thanks for making these past three years of blogging so much fun!  And what better way to celebrate than with a special giveaway for you LunaVida readers?!  (Be sure to check out the Rafflecopter widget at the end of this post to see how you can enter to win.)

Black floppy hat: Target $14.99
{Similar $$ or $$$}

Gray speckled turtleneck sweater (also seen here): Old Navy
{Similar $, $$ or $$$}

Dark wash skinny jeans (also seen here): Gap
{Similar $, $$ or $$$}
Save 40% off your purchase with coupon code "GOOD" through today!

Burgundy knee-high socks (also seen here, here & here): JCPenney
{Similar $, $$ or $$$}

Madewell flat cognac riding boots: c/o Shopbop
{Similar $, $$ or $$$}
Use promo code "EXTRAGIFT" for 30% off your purchase for a limited time!

Enter below to win your choice of frames from Firmoo (including free shipping)!

May the odds be ever in your favor.

I just want to thank you all one more time for your support of LunaVida for the past three years.  If no one read this blog, it would certainly be a lot harder to want to keep up with it.  I sincerely cannot say thanks enough or express my gratitude, but please know you are appreciated!  If there anything you ever would like to see specifically on LunaVida, please reach out and let me know!  Lots of love to you all :)

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