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Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

On Turning 30

Monday, March 18, 2019

Well, this is the last day of my 20s. (Meaning I turn 30 tomorrow, in case that wasn't apparent enough 😉) These past few weeks of my 20s have been so fun-filled (hence the lack of LunaVida posts 😳). Two of my best friends since grade school flew to San Diego to celebrate us all entering a new decade together. Then my mom visited from Ohio right after, and we went up to LA for a tour de vegan food. This past weekend, Matt and I took a road trip with the dogs up to a cabin in Big Bear for my birthday. And today, on the final day of my 29th year, I began a brand new job. Today is the last day of my 20s but the first day of working for my dream organization (!!!).

People have been asking me in the months leading up to March 19th, "Aren't you scared to be turning 30?" Honestly, I'm not nervous at all. Oddly enough, this lack of negative emotions has shocked me for the past few weeks leading up to today, because all your life you grow up with people telling you how terrifying the "Dirty Thirty" bday is. I just haven't experienced that anxiety of aging at all yet though. (Minus the wrinkles and white hairs that have popped up. Those? Those have been a bummer.).

I just feel lucky. Really, really, really lucky to be right where I am. Living in San Diego in a teensy tiny house by the beach with Matt and our four [nonhuman] babies. Working from home for one of my very favorite animal protection organizations, The Humane League. Being able to do the exact work I've dreamt of doing since I was a kid, which has always been to work for animals. Planning a trip to Europe this summer to see two of our best friends get married in Santorini. Having healthy and loving relationships with friends and family (and, as of last month, a brand new niece too!). Simply getting the opportunity to do all of these things so early on in life. The very things that I grew up fantasizing about one day happening, but never being quite sure of the path it'd take to get there.

If I am being 100% truthful though, it was far from an easy journey the past decade. That said, however, I'm fortunate enough to finally be exactly where I imagined I'd be at 30. Reaching this place took a lot of risks and years of hard work. I say this not to be boastful, but because as I've become an adult I've realized it is okay to be proud of your accomplishments. We all work so hard to get where we want to be and, just like we'd congratulate our friends' on their successes, we should be proud of our own too!

It takes a lot of dedication and some real fearlessness to get what we really want out of our lives. And at times, for me personally at least, this meant I even had to accept that by defying people's [outdated] expectations of a "typical" 30-year-old (ya know the one - married, with a mortgage for a house in the suburbs that has 2+ guest bedrooms, and pregnant with my second child), some people just simply will never understand the choices we make. Again, that is okay. Just like the whole "white-picket-fence-American-Dream" lifestyle that many grow up hearing about is a great goal to have in life, so is the flip side.

(Side note: If you didn't already know, Matt and I met when we were 18. Over the past 11+ years together, I can't even begin to count the number of times people have told Matt and me how we have chosen to live our lives together isn't acceptable/appropriate/sustainable. Just because we don't have a "traditional" lifestyle or plan to have a wedding ceremony doesn't mean we aren't in a deeply loving, committed, supportive, lifelong partnership. Throughout all of our years together, we have never let public opinion sway us. And for that, I am so grateful. I never forget how fortunate I am to have a strong partner in Matt who is always on the same page at the end of the day, despite what some may say about relationships like ours. And while many people may judge our choices, we also have many family members and friends who are very understanding of Matt and I deciding not to get married and have kids. We do, however, know lots of other couples and single people who are also constantly plagued by the same extremely personal questions about marriage and having kids -- and that sh*t really needs to stop. It's time we let people make their own life decisions without always feeling the need to include our input. End of rant. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk 😜)

Whew. I seemingly got way off topic there! But it all comes back to this one vital theme I've learned throughout my 20s: It is okay not to want the same things that "everyone else" seems to wantBecause truth be told, the most important expectations we need to live up to are our own -- not the standards set by our friends, partners, moms, dads, grandparents, in-laws, neighbors, etc. After all, when we are on our death beds do we really want to look back and regret never having made our own decisions because we were too afraid of what others may have said? No thanks. I want to go out knowing that even though I fell (and will most certainly continue to fall) on my face hundreds of times trying, at least I didn't give up on the life I always dreamed of.

Here's to the best that's still to come.

[These photos were taken off the side of a highway in the middle of nowhere during our road trip from Denver last summer. Matt and I simply couldn't drive safely while simultaneously trying to enjoy the view of this post-storm sunset. Sometimes ya just have to pull over and get out of the car on the side of a desolate road.]

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Thanks for reading and supporting this little blog o' mine. On to the next ten years 😊

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Being A Professional Bridesmaid

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Last week I got back from a trip to the seventh wedding that I was a part of the bridal party. (No, that is not a typo. I really meant lucky number 7.) Next summer Matt and I will fly to Greece (yesssss!) to be in our friends' wedding in Santorini. This event will then make it Nuptial #8 for me. Of those seven, I've been Maid of Honor twice. I've traveled to more cities than I can count on two hands for engagement celebrations, bachelorette parties, showers, the actual weddings, etc.

You may now be saying "Damn, girl. That's too many weddings to be in. It's time to stop before you become a real-life 27 Dresses." Something along those lines tends to be the advice people tell me when they hear just how many times I've been involved in weddings, none of which have even been my own of course. (#AlwaysABridesmaidNeverABride) I just can't - and never plan to - turn down such a lovely offer from my beloved friends and family to be a part of their Big Day. It's an honor that I still take to heart very seriously, and I'm always happy to be included in their festivities in any way, shape, or form.

Now, you may be asking yourself how one gets to this point. Well, it all started when I was crowned "Flower Girl"  in my mom and stepdad's wedding way back in the 90s. (Ye Olde Flower Girl was a title I actually longed for, for many years previous but for some reason was never chosen. Possibly because I'm told I was an obnoxiously loud child, and this role is generally given to a so-called "well behaved" kid.) From there, I grew up surrounded by a fantastic core group of grade-school friends. Then I met another amazing group of human beings in college. Then I graduated and began my career in the nonprofit sector. NPO people are some of my all-time favorites; they made it easy to make friends as an adult even though honestly, I always imagined it would be super hard. I was fortunate enough to continue to meet additional lifelong friends into adulthood. (I really do consider myself extremely lucky to already have had so many strong companions in my life that I am confident will stay by my side for decades to come. It is one of my greatest joys in life, actually.) Throughout these nearly three decades, friends and family members have gotten engaged and, thus, eventually married.

Since that first wedding in the late 1990s up to present day, I've been a bridesmaid to my college friend, oldest sister, two friends from middle school, and now a friend I met at work back in Arizona. I've also acted as MOH to my other sister and my college BFF. (I know - that's a lot of wedding experience for someone who has never had an actual wedding day themselves!)

Each day was stunningly beautiful in their own ways. It may sound sappy but the memories that are made at each of your loved ones' weddings are one-of-a-kind. For me, this includes the getting ready aspect of the day too which is personally a favorite part of the day. Spending the whole morning with your besties in matching robes in a hotel room, getting pampered, drinking champagne, reminding the bride that she needs to eat real food and drink water, and trying to joke enough to help suppress those nerves are some of the best times of the entire experience. (I think this is something that bridal parties sometimes forget - no, we're not there just to show up a few hours early to get an updo and fancy makeup and put on a matching dress. We're there to make the day more fun and less stressful for the bride, plain and simple.)

Something I do always love to see is what "role" each member of the bridal party typically takes. In every wedding I've ever been in, each person involved has taken on a specific duty, whether that was strictly dictated or just naturally playing to their own strengths. There's always the bridesmaid who is good at handling the details, like making sure the mother-in-law doesn't hover too much in the room and stress out the bride. There's the small talk bridesmaid who can chit-chat with all the extended family members and keep them entertained. There's the DJ bridesmaid, responsible for keeping the energy up in the bridal suite. There's the tough ass who takes all the bride's phone calls and texts and tells people to "Leave her the hell alone - don't you realize she's getting MARRIED IN TWO HOURS?!" And then there's the funny one who is kept close at all times to keep nerves at bay.

Each person plays a vital part in the couple's special day. Whatever your role may be, just remember to keep your bride or groom as calm as possible - even if you're sweating uncontrollably too. (Am I the only one this happens to? Like, why am I crazy sweaty right before the vows are recited? I'm not the one saying them in front of 100 people!! Never fails to happen, though there is no logic behind it...)

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Quick 3 Bridesmaid Tips:

  • Focus on the bride throughout the day - obviously. But also be sure to check in with her during the party part. Brides and grooms spend so much time going person to person to thank them for attending. After they're done, try to find a way to get them out to have fun with the group - even if just for a song or two. They planned this amazing event and deserve to actually enjoy it too!
  • Being in a wedding is expensive. Straight up. I won't lie and pretend there's a "budget" way to do it. Between the $150+ dress, travel to and from the various events, hair/makeup/nail appointments, etc you will most likely spend a small fortune -- but you can save a few dollars here and there! For example, when possible, consider rooming with others guests. Splitting a hotel or Airbnb in half will save you quite a bit. You can also go in together on a group gift with the rest of the bridesmaids and/or groomsmen. I recommend buying one of the highest priced registry items. Split between everyone you can end up saving money while the couple gets one of their dream gifts they may not otherwise have received!
  • Put down your phone, pay attention to the ceremony, enjoy the meal and pleasant conversation, and then hit the dance floor all night long. After all, no one regrets dancing too much at a wedding. (Truly, go dance. No matter how good or bad you may think you are, I can guarantee no one is actually judging you like we all tend to assume.)

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Have you been in a bridal party before? What role you usually take on during weddings? I'm a dancing queen 💃 You can 100% find me shimmying as soon as the dinner is over up until venue curfew.

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PS: Long time no see! As I previously mentioned, Matt and I were on a 10-day road trip across the great Southwestern United States (Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona) with the pups for said 7th bridal party wedding. When we got back to San Diego last week we were busy preparing for going back to normal life. Then yesterday was our 11 year anniversary so we had to celebrate vegan food style, of course! But now I am back to typical day-to-day living, which means back to LunaVida posts on a more regular schedule :)

PPS: I don't think I have ever written a wedding-themed post in nearly six years of blogging, yet somehow it's been back-to-back!

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On The Line | Blouse + Denim Shorts + Slides

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Whoa... After a very unintentional LunaVida hiatus, I'm back! Let me start off by apologizing for said hiatus. I took this break because my sister (today's blog photos are courtesy of her, and she's pretty good, right?!) and 5-year-old niece were in town visiting from Cincinnati. Now all of a sudden it's somehow already August. I have no idea how or when that happened because didn't we all just celebrate the official start of summer, like, a week or two ago? Anyway, while my family was in town we did as many quintessential San Diego things as we could fit it - including everyone eating vegan for the week, which was fun! My niece even went back to the good, ol' Midwest as a permanent vegetarian like her mom which makes me so happy and proud. Go, Lacey!!

Blue and white striped blouse with tassels: Old Navy via my mom 😊
[similar - 35% off for a limited time!]

Cuffed jean shorts (also seen here, here & here): JCPenney
[similar - 50% off & free shipping with codes FRIENDS and BEST]

Cognac belt (also seen here, here & here): Gap

Brown flat slide sandals: Target - so comfy and under $13!

Silver hoops (also seen here): c/o Happiness Boutique

Silver cuff bracelet (also seen here): Gift

How have you been spending these past few weeks? It's been feeling like full-on summertime here in SD with temperatures hovering around the low 80s. Now, I'm not one to complain about this weather at all, seeing as I previously lived in Phoenix, Arizona and Tampa, Florida (two of the most outrageously hot places in the country)... but our little house doesn't have air conditioning so that has been an adjustment. A very sticky, sweaty adjustment indeed.

Happy August'ing!

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Florals For Spring... Groundbreaking | Off-The-Shoulder Maxi Dress + Denim Jacket

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Happy Wednesday! I just booked a trip home to see my family in Ohio for June which makes today a great day! Between multiple treks up to LA, a farm animal rescue fundraiser in Temecula (this off-the-shoulder floral dress in today's post is actually what I wore to that event), and various day trips around Southern California, it feels like I've barely been in La Jolla on the weekends for the past few months. I'm grateful though that I still get to experience a bit more of early summer in SoCal before I head to the Midwest for a week with mom, sistas, and nieces. Hooray for a new season and the opportunities that come along with it!

Dark wash denim jacket (also seen here, here & here): Kohl's

Floral print off-the-shoulder maxi dress (also seen here): c/o PinkBlush

LC Lauren Conrad brown cork sandals (also seen here, here & here): Kohl's

Brown skinny belt (also seen here & here): Forever 21

Raw ruby necklace (also seen here, here & here): LoveGemStudio

Gold half-moon necklace (also seen here & here): c/o Happiness Boutique

Gold bangles (also seen here, here & here): c/o oNecklace and Madewell via Shopbop

Urban Expressions vegan turquoise weaved crossbody bag (also seen here, here & here): DSW

What summer travel plans do you have coming up? I feel so lucky that I was finally able to find a cheap flight back east after weeks of searching because prices have been so high recently! I still have a few more upcoming trips I need to book but those summertime rates make my bank account so, so sad. Do you have any great websites I should check out?

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Going Green As A Family

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

As a family it can be difficult to go green overnight, despite knowing how important it is that our planet is looked after. Since watching things like Blue Planet II, hearing about recent changes in the news (like the banning of plastic straws for example), etc., it’s apparent that our environment is finally starting to come to the forefront.

When you have children, it’s easy to see how much waste you create as a household. There are the endless diapers, toys, and pieces of individually wrapped food packaging that remind us every day of the size of our household waste. So what can we change at home? How can we make a difference, kids or no kids?

Any reduction in waste is great, and worth doing, but it’s not really possible to have a waste-free life. BUT if everyone reduced their waste it could make a massive change. So here are some tips that hopefully you’ll be able to implement, make into regular habits, and make your family greener for the future.

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Shake up your shopping

Shopping is a big issue when it comes to waste. There’s the packaging, the plastic bags, and even the transportation you use to get there.
  1. Buy in bulk when you can to prevent buying individually wrapped items.
  2. Buy loose items where you can. Packing loose vegetables in a reusable tote bag rather than taking a disposable bag will prevent you taking more plastic home. 
  3. Take your own shopping bags. A good tip to help you remember is to leave some reusable bags in your car or your handbag so you always have one or two with you. 

Support Green Businesses

There are many green companies around that you could support. For example, there are companies that make toothbrushes out of recycled materials instead of plastic, or companies like Shiply that carpool deliveries to reduce emissions.Take a look at the companies you use regularly that you think could perhaps benefit from being greener and see if you can make the switch. 

Say no to unnecessary plastic

Do you really need a straw in your drink? If not, consider asking for no straw when you’re eating out. Do you really need a plastic bag for a tiny purchase from the supermarket that can easily fit in your pocket? Get into the habit of saying "No thanks" and over time you’ll prevent a lot of plastic from being thrown away and ending up in our oceans.

Fix, don’t replace

As clothing and electronics get cheaper, it’s easy to throw something away when it’s damaged or there’s an upgrade available. Try where you can to fix things rather than replace, like clothes that can be resized or reused, or shoes that can be re-heeled or stitched. Giving an item a second life could save you a lot of money and teaches your family to savour what they have. If you can’t feasibly have something fixed, make sure you consider recycling it responsibly.

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How do you make your family life greener?

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8 Goals For 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Did anyone else just now realize it's 2018? We are almost two weeks into the new year and I am just now feeling like I can take a second to stop and breathe. That said, I've been really behind in the resolution arena. I've been racking my brain and couldn't narrow what I want to accomplish this year down to only one main resolution; therefore, I decided to craft a list of 8 goals for 2018 (in no particular order).

1. Actually take the time out to travel with Matt

Matt and I love to travel, but we rarely get to take a vacation together. This is due to the fact that we have two cats and two dogs (one of whom is... difficult and can't be trusted with any old pet sitter). We hate to leave them behind, so it seems like one of us usually stays home with them while the other goes back home to visit family, attend weddings, etc. I realized how long it's been since we were able to take an actual vacation together and it bummed me out. So this year, a trip has to happen.

2. Spend more time with my family

Moving to California was a lifelong goal of mine; however, the downside of living in SoCal is that I am super far from my family back in Ohio. I have two young nieces in Cincinnati who I want to see grow up, and I have to make sure I can get home more often to do so.

3. See our out-of-town friends more often

Having moved around the country so much, Matt and I have been blessed to make friends in each city we've lived in. This is great because we've been #blessed with some many amazing relationships. The unfortunate part is that also means we are split all across the world, which makes seeing each other a rare occurrence. This year I want to make more of an effort to better plan trips to spend time with as many of these pals as possible.

4. Help get the ballot initiative we are currently working on onto the California ballot (and then voted "YES" in November!)

If you didn't know, I am working on a campaign to get a bill on the 2018 California ballot that will help prevent cruelty to animals on factory farms. This is a dream come true because my #1 professional and personal goals revolve around reducing the suffering of farmed animals. We have to get 600,000 signatures across the state by late April, and then it gets on the ballot to be voted on. I am so motivated to help however I can to make this happen because when this passes it'll be the biggest legislation ever passed in the name of farm animals!

5. Take the time for self-care

Believe it or not, but I am incredibly low maintenance. I know this may shock some of you, seeing as I have a "fashion" blog. But really, there is nothing I like more than wearing sweatpants and no makeup. I can count the number of times I blowdry my hair in an entire year on one hand. I will go weeks without using a styling tool, on the reg. Even though I've always liked clothes, I've never been super into "beauty." That said, I am turning 29 this year and it's probably time I become a real adult. (It had to happen at some point, I suppose.) In my head, real adults actually take the time out to take care of themselves. I need to do this, big time. I need to make myself actually schedule the yoga classes, book the hair appointments (especially since 28 seemingly was the year my head decided gray was the new brunette), get in the habit of going to the doctor more than once a decade, stop feeling guilty for spending money on myself, and take advantage of the beautiful weather here and get out in nature for those hikes I've been missing.

6. Make "tidying up" a habit

Growing up, when I heard the term "tidy up" it was an automatic eye-roll from me. I was never a slob per se (germs gross me out) but I have never been super clean at home. My work desk? Organized to a tee. My home life, though? Far from it. I want to change that as I head into the last year of my 20s. I read that you should always do a task that takes under 60 seconds right away, no matter what it is. Those little tasks add up, so getting them done with quickly makes a difference throughout the day. I've been trying to incorporate that and it's already helped in my tidiness. (Obviously I need to do much more than just that, though, so if you have any tips, please share!)

7. Read more

This kind of goes along with the lack of making time for self-care in my life, but it deserves its own goal. I used to enjoy reading, but then working full-time came into my life, and out reading went. I need to prioritize better so that I can actually finish a book that I start. (I'm lookin' at you, The Casual Vacancy, all alone on my nightstand for the past six months.)

8. Learn to cook better - and do it more frequently

When I first went vegan, I was forced to start cooking more than I ever had before. I wish the cooking bit had stuck, but then life got busier - aaand I discovered the treasure trove of delicious plant-based restaurants San Diego has to offer. This year, however, I would like to get back to the kitchen and making healthier meals at home again. I know it's better for me and saves money, but somehow I still end up eating out multiple times a week. I gosta change that pronto!

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These are just the first things that popped up into my head when I thought of what I want for 2018, but there are plenty more shakin' around in my head. (For instance, I didn't even get to the long list of goals for this here blog!)

What about you? What are your goals/resolutions/hopes/dreams/wishes/aspirations for the new year?

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What I Learned From Living in Southern California For One Year

Monday, September 25, 2017

Whoa. I can't believe Matt and I have lived in San Diego for a whole year now. We've experienced so many new things over the past 365 days of Southern California living. Somehow though, we both always say how we feel that we still have so much to see here. That makes me giddy because out of all the places I've lived (which prior to San Diego included Ohio, Florida, and Arizona) California offers the most in terms of things Matt and I like to do with our spare time. The best hiking, the prettiest beaches, the perfect year-round weather for said hiking and beaches, the most delicious vegan food, progressive politics, etc, etc, etc.

For a lifetime moving to Southern California was my Holy Grail and the fact that it has now been our home for one year (and hopefully many more to come) makes me so grateful for the way life pans out. Therefore in honor of my love for this fine state, for today's post I'm sharing some of what I've learned from the last year of living in The Golden State. (And yes, that does include some harsh realities of living here too; it can't always be sunshine and rainbows when taxes are this high... but it mainly can be - because, California.😍)

Olive green military jacket (also seen here, here & here): Old Navy

Gray "I just want to hang out with my dog" graphic t-shirt (also seen here): The Daily Tay via Etsy

Black active leggings: c/o PinkBlush
I am loving these leggings. They are perfect for hikes but are also great for walking to grab a coffee and stroll the farmers market on an easy Sunday morning. They've already become my go-to "athleisure wear"!

Perfectly mixed mutt named Kingsley: c/o The Humane Society ;)

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If you are a "water sign person" then living close to the ocean never gets old.

Oddly enough, as much as I love the beach, I have never been the type to enjoy plopping my ass in the sand and just sitting there for hours on end. When I'm at the beach I need to be doing something. Whether it be taking a walk, cleaning up litter (Ha. I'm being serious.), or actually swimming in the freezing Pacific, I need to be active in some way. That said, I will never tire of the feeling of sand between my toes and the smell of saltwater surrounding me.

Street parking is never fun.

Growing up in Small Town, Ohio there was always a parking lot with plenty of spaces right out front of where we were going. Here in SoCal? That is not the case for the majority of places. Plus, aside from rarely getting a spot that's close to your desired location, you are usually going to be parking along the side of a street. That means you're forever worrying about getting a parking ticket and/or having someone hit your car. Matt and I have already gotten our first parking ticket here, and it was certainly a bummer to walk out to. There's no denying it - California takes its parking laws ser-i-ous-ly.

Perfect weather also does not get old (for some of us).

My mom and dad used to live by L.A. many decades ago. When I was growing up my mom told my sisters and me how much she loved it there, but every day was almost too perfectly warm, and sometimes ya just miss seasons. While I do agree that the change of seasons in other places is more extreme and lovable, I am totally fine with having ideal temperatures every week of the year. I can't speak for other cities but San Diego is a gem. We do have varying temperatures throughout the year, which feels a bit like changing seasons (especially compared to my years in Florida and Arizona, where it barely changes at all). We don't have to deal with snow though, which I can never do again after having lived through 18 years of it as a child.

People are not exaggerating when they say it is expensive to live in California.

Want to move to a big city or beach town somewhere in California? Buyer beware. (Like, seriously, beware, because it can get scary expensive, real quick.) Rent is most likely going to be more than double, gas will run you about 80 cents extra per gallon, average groceries will cost you a bit more... and those damn high taxes you always heard about. The taxes will make your soul hurt sometimes. But even with all of the additional costs Matt and I have still never once looked back and regretted our decision. And if taxes have to be taken (which I hear they do) it's also better to see our hard-earned money actually being used on things we care about, such as improving communities' environmental programs. It makes it sting a little less.

There are so many delicious restaurants.

Matt and I have always placed a lot of emphasis on eating. It's something we bonded over early on in our relationship. (We're just a guy and a gal who freaking. love. food.) With every place we've lived together, one of the first things we've done is walk the neighborhood to see which restaurants are nearby. This was no different when we moved to San Diego. Except it was. That's because we soon realized that the entire county (and state, actually) is filled with some of the best food we've ever had, and there's so much diversity to the types of places! Oh, and I know I've said it 400 times, but THE VEGAN FOOD SCENE HERE IS OUT OF THIS WORLD! It makes me so dang happy.

Spiders are constantly looming near... and plenty of them. (Dun, dun, dunnnn.)

Something that shocked me when we moved to La Jolla -- which if you're unfamiliar with San Diego neighborhoods is considered a pretty "posh" area -- was just how many spider webs there are... and thus, spiders. (And no, for those inquiring minds, Matt and I do not fit in at all in La Jolla, seeing as we're about half the age of the average resident, and I can never imagine anyone uttering the words "That Matt and Allie - they're just so sophisticated!" But we love the views, ocean breeze, and plethora of vegan-friendly businesses that this little town offers. Plus we found the cutest rental close to the beach, so it's whatev. Despite being obvious outcasts, we absolutely adore La Jolla 😅) Anyway, I kind of assumed that since people here constantly have crews working on their gardens/deep cleaning/house rehabs/whatever else wealthy people hire others to do, that they would also never allow cobwebs to build up. How wrong I was. People do not seem to care in the slightest that active spider webs are all up in their lawns, houses, fences, parked cars, etc. I actually really admire their nonchalance. Personally, I suffer from Top Level Arachnophobia so this was (and still is, if I'm being honest) difficult for me to adjust to. Those damn creepy-crawlies just give me the heebie-jeebies. But I guess this is a fear I'm just gonna have to get over 😲

Being brave and following your dreams - despite that they may seem crazy to some - has the possibility of paying off more than you can imagine. (Yes, I do realize this is extra cheesy.)

When Matt and I decided to move to California a little over a year ago we didn't have a real plan laid out. We just knew the time was right, we were ready for a big change, and we would make it work however we could. So we both quit our good, stable jobs... and, understandably, some people immediately began shaking their heads at our Millennial I'm-Gonna-Chase-My-Dreams-No-Matter-What-It-Takes Insanity. (And yes, I do admit that quitting our jobs to move to a place that costs more than double to live without new positions lined up was actually insane.) But I am an idealist, always have been, and I won't stop until I reach my goals (even if that means playing the looooong game). And Matt is a go-getter in every sense of the term. He is logical and thorough in everything he does. Combined together I feel like it's been the perfect recipe for us just makin' shit happen. And sure, I realize that since we're still kinda young we can take some bigger risks. I'm grateful that we're at the phase in our lives where we can trust each other and our own seemingly crazy ideas and then figure out how to make it so we can live life on our own terms. I know this kind of talk is what makes some people roll their eyes at our generation, but I'm okay with that. We only get one life (maybe... I don't know, really) so sometimes you have to do things for yourself that outwardly seem kinda stupid, and make your own daydreams become reality. No one else is going to do that for you.

Okaaaaay. That last one got a teensy philosophical, which is probably annoying to read coming from a 28-year-old. So sorry if that is the case. It's just how I feel, and I'm so happy to live here!! Fulfilling the lifelong dream of moving here has filled me with so much gratitude. And I 100% have that seemingly insane dream-chasing and a partner who supports it to thank for that. And California. California deserves a chunk of that gratefulness percentage, for sure.

LOVE YA, CALI! Mean it 😘

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Where is your dream place to live?

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Inexpensive (Or Free!) Spring Date Ideas

Friday, April 21, 2017

Happy Friday, we made it! Ya know what that means? Date night! I l-o l-o l-o- l-o-v-e dates. (Did anyone at all catch on to my Ashlee Simpson reference...? Probably not, unless you're my sister.) But something I don't love? The price tag that can sometimes go with a night out. I mean, honestly, the costs really can add up if you're doing the classic drinks, dinner, movie, fro-yo, Lyft combo. Thankfully though, with springtime surrounding us all in her gentle, warm grasp we now have a whole array of new and affordable quality time possibilities! Scroll down for warmer weather fun inspiration 💃

(PS: these don't even have to be with a significant other - you can totally do them with your friends and family, too!) 

Prep A Picnic
Pack up a blanket, some snacks, and a dog if ya have one (if you don't, but you are ready to take on the responsibility, hit the shelter first and go adopt one, because dogs are one of the best parts of life), and hit your favorite park. Or, even better and more adventure-y, go have your picnic at a park you've never been to before!

Attend Movies On The Lawn/Beach/Public Place
If you Google "free outdoor movies" in your area or something similar to that phrase, you should be able to find complimentary film showings. In San Diego, for example, the Hotel del Coronado offers free movies on the beach throughout the spring and summer months - and you can even bring your dog!

Pick Your Own Flower/Veggie/Fruit At A Local Farm
Same as with the movies, you should be able to search online or on Facebook to find a local farm that has Pick Your Own ______ (insert spring specialty, such as strawberries) Days. There is a place here in SoCal called Suzie's Farm that I've been itching to check out. They are organic and have pick your own SUNFLOWERS! How fun would that be?! Not only are you getting a cheap outdoor activity, but you also get to take home a souvenir bouquet (or fresh fruit and veggies for groceries for the week, or whatever it is you are picking). Win, win, win!

Check Out Groupon & LivingSocial Deals
You know those touristy things you've always wanted to check out, but don't want to spend a ton of money on? For me, that is a whale watching tour or sunset cruise. While I wouldn't say these are particularly "cheap" date ideas, with the help of sites like Groupon and LivingSocial we can get them at a steep discount. New experiences for a fraction of the cost? Sign me up, baby.

Hit Up The Farmers Market
Who doesn't enjoy meandering around with a loved one in nice weather, while also checking off an errand at the same time? Farmers markets are perfect, because you get people watching, live music, free samples, and/or a variety of foods and businesses you've probably never gotten to experience before!

Go On A Hike
Looking to explore a new area while also getting your sweat on? Take a hike (literally and figuratively). There's no better activity to enjoy fresh air and exercise than taking a hike. Plus, it's totally free!

Do Your Part & Volunteer
Your local trails, bodies of water, or even your own neighborhood have trash all up in them. Yes, it is a bummer. But it is also reality. So why not pull out your gigantic pile of plastic grocery bags that are under your sink (you know they're in there) and put them to good use by picking up litter with your loved one? You get to spend Q.T. together, beautify your surroundings, and help Mother Nature!

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You may have noticed a theme that these almost all involve being outside in some capacity. What can I say? After living many years in the frigid Midwest and in the desert, I like to take advantage of the post-cold and pre-super-hot temps.

Now I gotta go take my own advice and try out some of these for myself!

Which spring dates are you most excited for?

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