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Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Simple Ways to Live a Little More Vegan

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November is World Vegan Month! If you're new here, and somehow couldn't already tell, I'm a vegan. (You didn't think you could meet a veg head and not know about it in the first two minutes, right? Kidding, kidding! That's a false stereotype 😉) I am a lifelong animal lover but it wasn't until I was a teenager that I realized loving all animals means including animals that were farmed for my food; thus, I became a vegetarian at 14 years old. I made the connection my freshman year of high school when I did a research project on animal rights. Said research led me to countless gruesome images of slaughterhouses, factory farms, and labs that conducted vivisection. I went vegetarian overnight, never looked back -- and vowed to "one day go vegan." You see, I made the excuse that since I lived in Small Town, Ohio there was no feasible way for me to cut out dairy and eggs. Well, I continued lying to myself about it throughout college. And then through the early years of my adult life. And then fast forward 14 more years since I first stopped eating meat, and after a handful of half-assed, failed attempts at trying out plant-based living, I finally fully committed to the lifestyle at age 27. I share this story because it just goes to show that every single vegan has their own journey, whether they were born and raised plant-based (I have personally never met anyone who belongs in that category, however) or tried 400 times and finally on attempt #401, it finally stuck. We all get here on our own timelines and with the method that works best for you. Now, I'm not going to lie to you - if you are reading this, YES, I do want you to stop eating meat, dairy, and eggs, wearing animal skins as fabrics, and to switch over to cruelty-free brands of your favorite cosmetics, cleaning supplies, etc. But I do also understand that hearing all of that can seem way overwhelming to commit to all at once and to quit cold tofurky (that's a classic vegan joke there for ya) overnight. That's why I continue to share ongoing simple ideas for you to add a little more veg and a lot less cruelty to your day-to-day life (read the first set of easy tips here).

Start with one step you can take right now

Pledge to yourself that, for example, every breakfast you consume will be vegan. Or that you'll only get the plant-based option when dining out, no matter where you go. Or that you will watch one animal welfare documentary a month. These can really add up to big changes over time.

Purchase vegan treats for your pets

Every single veg product you buy to replace your typical meat/eggs/dairy makes a difference, no matter how seemingly small it may be. Your companion animals need their fruits and veggies too, so why not make their tasty treats plant-based? The two favorites in our household are V-dog and Zuke's.

Take your friends to a vegan place the next time you go out

You're probably (re: hopefully) already cutting down your own meat consumption and eating Beyond Burgers when you can find them at the store, but why stop with yourself? Invite all of your loved ones to join you in your journey to a plant-based lifestyle. The next time you're meeting for lunch suggest the local vegan spot so they can also see how delicious the food tastes too!

Follow all of the farm animal protection groups on social media

Ready to really learn about the harsh realities of factory farming? Follow all the top farmed animal advocacy groups such as The Humane League, Animal Equality, Mercy For Animals, etc. They frequently post undercover footage that makes it impossible to want to continue to support these industries with your hard-earned money. (Hey, it worked for me! Forcing myself to watch an undercover video from MFA is what finally made it truly stick. You never know what'll be your final straw!)

Share the knowledge you discover

So you took the step to educate yourself about the realities of factory farming? Bravo! Now go one step farther and share what you learned. It can be as simple as hitting "Share" on a Facebook post from one of the orgs listed above, or you can write a personal blurb about where you are currently in your journey to cutting out animal products and why people should join you. You never know who you'll impact. (Pretty much every time I post something vegan-related, I have a slight twinge of "Oh my gosh, am I going to offend/annoy/frighten people?!" only to then be sent a message from someone I never expected to hear from asking for advice. It's so motivating to keep going despite our innate fears of other's personal opinions!)

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What steps are you taking towards a cruelty-free lifestyle? If you're already vegan, what are your top tips?

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Well, I hope you found that helpful! I am headed up to Northern California for the next few days for our work retreat. I'm so excited to hang out with the team and the rescued farm animals!

Lastly - but equally as important! - since today is Election Day, please don't forget to get out and VOTE. ** If you're in California, make to vote YES on Prop 12! **

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Tips for Transitioning From a Vegetarian to a Vegan Lifestyle

Monday, May 28, 2018

This may very well be one of my favorite blog posts I've had the pleasure of writing (which makes me wonder why I never thought of it prior to today?). It's said that you become an expert on a matter after doing it for 10,000 hours. Well, I can't claim to be an expert but I have most certainly spent more than 10,000 hours of my life telling myself it was time to go fully vegan from being a vegetarian. I've discussed it before but I went vegetarian when I was 14 years old. It then took me nearly 14 more years - and plenty of failed attempts over that decade-plus - to finally make the transition to veganism. Therefore, you can trust that I too know what it feels like to see the value of going plant-based but also not being quite sure how to make it work for you in the beginning. Scroll down to see a few of my tips for transitioning from a vegetarian to a vegan diet - and some of Matt's advice, too!

Find a way to veganize your favorite vegetarian products and recipes

There are so many awesome resources out there ranging from books to blog that can help. Do you love scrambled eggs? Try a tofu scramble for a healthier and cruelty-free version. (This one from Minimalist Baker is my all-time favorite! It's also my go-to food blog that I immediately visit every time I need a plant-based version of a recipe.) Love mayonnaise, ranch dressing, mac and cheese, and/or brownies, too? You're in luck then because there's a vegan brand out there that has already created it for you! (Some of my other personal favorites are Follow Your Heart, Chao, Violife, and so many others. These days there is a plant-based alternative for almost any food you can dream of, and Whole Foods carries tons of vegan brands if you don't know where to start!)

Stop worrying so much about the social aspects

One of the reasons excuses I always told myself was that it would be too difficult because societally veganism isn't totally understood by a lot of people. I was worried that I could never eat at a dinner party again (I've previously discussed this fear and the actual reality in this post) or that my family and friends would think I was "too radical." In my personal experience, I also stressed about just how many animal rights videos I could share on social media before people thought I had joined a cult. However, these videos are what made me finally commit to going vegan so I've since decided that I don't really mind if they throw some people off.  Because you know what I realized? If someone doesn't want to learn about the realities of factory farming, well then, they can just "mute" me or unfriend me. The others who force themselves to look at what's really happening are the ones who will hopefully be moved to change their lifestyles. Those are the same people who message me on Facebook or text me for advice on how to veganize their lives. They always remind me that sharing those uncomfortable posts, despite that a few people may silently judge me, is always worth spreading the knowledge because every time someone chooses not to eat meat for their next meal, an animal is saved and the amount of suffering is lessened. Those moments and people make me remember that I should stop worrying about temporarily upsetting my cousin twice removed with a video that shares the harsh reality of factory farming if it means innocent animals' lives could be spared.

Get involved somehow

It can be helpful to reach out to some local animal activist groups to get involved and meet like-minded people (many of whom are most likely plant-based and can physically be there to support you in your journey to veganism - and try out all the best restaurants together 😉). I actually did this the opposite way -- I went vegan which instilled the need to volunteer more for the cause, which then led to me becoming an activist and meeting other local activists who have now become friends. It's a great way to meet people and there is a group for whatever your views are on animal rights! Some ideas of possible organizations to check out are your local chapter of The Humane Society of the United StatesThe Humane League, Mercy For AnimalsAnonymous for the Voiceless, signature gathering/campaigning for pro-animal welfare ballot measures in your state, your local humane society, etc. Do some research and see which org's viewpoints best align with your own.

Watch the documentaries

If you ever feel yourself hardcore craving, flip on one of those Netflix documentaries to remind you why you wanted this change in the first place. Going vegan for the animals? Watch Earthlings. Care deeply for the environment? Check out Cowspiracy. Interested in the health benefits of being plant-based? What The Health is super informative. Need a movie rather than a doc? Okja is for you.

Work in phases if it helps you

Personally, the only way I could commit to going vegetarian and later vegan was to do so cold turkey (which is probably not that best phrase to use when speaking on this topic...). I recognize that most people I know who are veg did not do it this way though and that many people prefer to work in phases. What worked for Matt was first to stop buying animal products for our home, then he stopped eating it at family gatherings and restaurants, then when he felt comfortable, he full out stopped eating it anywhere, and finally, he stopped purchasing leather. This step-by-step method worked for him because he wasn't feeling pressured or overwhelmed by doing it all at once. You have to do whichever works best for you and will help you stick to your new lifestyle.

Don't beat yourself up if you slip up

"Progress not perfection" should be the newly plant-based person's motto. It's okay to not get it 100% correct every single time right off the bat. There will most likely be a time or two or three or ten when you quickly check a label or assume it's good to go (because why do you put dairy in so many unnecessary products, America?!) only to later rescan the ingredients list and see they snuck in something you didn't expect. It is OKAY. Don't fret or start to self-criticize. You did your best and had good intentions. Just use it as a lesson for the next time and soon enough you'll be the quickest list checker known to humankind 😏

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Are you currently trying to lean into a more plant-based lifestyle or have you already transitioned to veganism? If so, what has worked best for you? Please share your tips, too!

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Must Visit San Diego Vegan Spots

Friday, January 26, 2018

Here in Southern California, we are blessed with an evergrowing number of vegan and vegan-friendly businesses. It seems almost every month there is word of a new veg restaurant, or special menu, or food truck opening up somewhere in our area. Having previously lived in cities with less-than-stellar numbers of plant-based places, I do realize how fortunate we are in San Diego. Thus, I thought I would share my favorite vegan spots today. Whether you live here or are planning a visit, are a veg head or are not, like food or are head over heels for it, you need to check out these places ASAP.

Second Nature

This restaurant recently opened up a few miles south of us in North Pacific Beach. It's a totally vegetarian and vegan menu, the ambiance is so cozy, and the patio is dog-friendly! (Get their vegan caesar salad and thank me later.)

Don Carlos Taco Shop

Don Carlos is walking distance from Matt and me, so we end up here more often than we probably should. It also is not vegan, but they have plenty of options. Our go-to order is the veggie burrito with black beans, no cheese, add fries. Mmmmmmmm.

Plant Power Fast Food

I've discussed Plant Power previously, but damnit, it's so good it deserves more praise. They have a huge menu ranging from raw tacos to the colossal "Big Zac" burger - all of which are 100% vegan. (PS: If you visit their locations in Ocean Beach or Encinitas during the fall, make sure to try their pumpkin milkshake. Best I've ever had in my life!)

Ranchos Cocina

This Mexican restaurant is not vegan, but the amount of plant-based options on their (seriously extensive) menu is borderline overwhelming. It's SO delicious, though, and the price is right.

Native Foods

This is a chain, but their chicken and waffles is MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE. If I could physically live on one food item for the rest of my days, this dish would be it. Plus, the rest of their food is (almost as) amazing, too. If you ever visit a city that has a Native Foods, SPRINT to the nearest one.

Donna Jean

After months of hearing about it nonstop, I finally tried Donna Jean for the first time ever a few weeks ago. They're famous for their mac and cheese - and for good reason. It is the closest to "real" macaroni and cheese I've ever eaten. SO TASTY. Get yourself to this San Diego plant-based staple as soon as you possibly can.

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San Diego County has so many more delicious vegan places, but these are just some of my personal favorites. This list is just the beginning - I still have so many to try, too! What's your favorite plant-based place? Anywhere in San Diego I need to try, like, yesterday?

Now I'm off to gorge myself after all this food talk.

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The Best Vegan Products At Trader Joe's

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Update: Yes, I am still vegan. I used to think going vegan would be one of the more difficult life decisions I would ever make and stick to. It turns out this is far from reality. I've now been entirely plant-based for almost 6 months, and I have to say it so much simpler than I made it out to be in my head for so many years. One thing that makes it so easy? TRADER JOE'S. It is by far my favorite grocery store - and not just because it has the best inexpensive fresh flowers (although that certainly doesn't hurt). The reason I really, truly love T.J.'s? They have so many on-purpose vegan products, as well as plenty of "accidentally vegan" items! Below are my current favorite snacks for those who are vegan or are just trying to incorporate a little more cruelty-free into their diet. (And yes, you will quickly catch on that "delicious junk food" is the theme for these picks.)

1. Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
So tasty by themselves as a treat, on top of shakes and desserts, OR even melted down for chocolate-covered strawberries!

2. Reduced Guilt Pita Chips With Sea Salt
These are so crunchy! I love them paired with hummus for a quick snack.

Image via Trader Joe's

3. Brownie Crisp
Just as with the choco chips mentioned above, I love breaking these up into small bits and spreading their cocoa goodness on cashew milk ice cream!

Image via She Finds

4. Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
This is my favorite to use in place of coffee creamer! It's sweet, thick, and perfect for a splash of taste for my morning cup o' joe.

Image via Fit Girl Food

5. Soy Creamy Cherry Chocolate Chip Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert
This may be made out of soy, but it is SO creamy. (Plus it is super affordable compared to other dairy-free ice cream brands.)

Image via Trader Joe's

6. Vanilla Almond Spiced Chai
Caffeine and vegan? Two words that make my heart very happy (as well as my tired brain).

Image via Trader Joe's

7. Marshmallows
VEGAN MARSHMALLOWS?! As in, no gelatin? And they're under $3 for a bag? AND they actually taste good? Alert the S'mores Gods, because everyone's favorite summertime fireside dessert is still on the menu, baby!

Image via Trader Joe's

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I know I just devoted a whole post to a grocery store, but if you are recently vegan or are trying to become more cruelty-free in your diet, I hope this can be helpful on your next shopping trip. (Side note: You should totally consider buying your regular groceries here, too. Personally, we get our normal grocery supplies at TJ's - organic fruits and veggies, pasta, coffee, wine, etc. - and our bill is so much cheaper than other stores!) Plus, although most of Trader Joe's products are even labelled as "vegan" or "vegetarian" (which is so helpful and thank you so much for doing it, Trader Joe's. Like, seriously thank you), there are those few yumm-o "accidentally vegan" items that I don't want to you to miss out on! Besides, it is never fun being the person blocking the aisle, looking up ingredients on your phone to check what is or isn't safe for you to consume when you're avoiding animal products.

Trust me. I speak from much personal experience.

Now go forth and enjoy all the vegan chocolatey goodness out there!

Recipe Rundown | Vegan No Bake Oreo Truffles

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Hi guys! For many people during this particular time of year, many of our schedules revolve around holiday get-togethers. That also means lots of cooking and baking goes down. If you want to bring a dish that is sure to please just about anyone, bring a dessert (everyone knows it's the best part of any dinner)!  And if you want to bring a dessert pretty much anyone will enjoy? Well then, Oreo Truffles are calling your name. These are the most decadent, delicious treats. Plus, (without the Oreo crumble garnish) they look kind of remind me snowballs, which is pretty cute for this time of year. Oh, and did I mention they are super easy to make and vegan? They contain only three ingredients, and there is no oven time or anything! So what are we waiting for? Let's get to eatin'!


+ 1 package of Oreos
+ 4-8 ounces of your favorite brand of vegan cream cheese (I personally love this brand.)
+ White vegan dipping chocolate, such as this one


  1. Finely chop Oreos up which you can do in a blender, food processor, or as I do [see above - which also serves as a fine arm workout], put the Oreos in a big plastic baggie and use a hammer (Seriously! I have found it works the best).  Save some of the extra if you want to add the Oreo pieces on top at the end. 
  2. Mash the plant-based cream cheese and crushed Oreos until it's all mixed together.
  3. Roll into balls and place on a wax covered cookie sheet. 
  4. Put them in the freezer for about 15 minutes.
  5. Melt the white chocolate according to directions on the package.
  6. Pull the Truffles out of the freezer and dip them into the chocolate.
  7. Garnish with the leftover Oreo crumbs from before but be sure to do this before the chocolate dries.
  8. Refrigerate, and then chow down when you're ready!

Original recipe found on Chef in Training

I made these Oreo Truffles for both Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving last month, and they were a hit. What are your go-to recipes for winter time? Will you be trying Oreo Truffles for your next get together? If you make these, be sure to snap a pic and tag me @alliegee319 on Instagram so I can see, please! Happy holidays!

Don't forget to enter the Polette Eyewear giveaway before it ends!

Recipe Rundown | Vegan Spinach Ravioli Soup

Friday, November 21, 2014

Who's hungry? Me! Always. All the time. 24/7/365. That tends to mean I torture myself by looking up new veg head recipes on Pinterest. I recently came across the Sprinkled Side Up blog and discovered her absolutely delicious vegetarian soup recipe! It is Spinach Tortellini Soup, and it is the bomb. For real. Matt and I made it earlier this week for dinner one night, but we changed the original recipe (which you can find here) just a bit to our preferences. We made our soup vegan-friendly!

The recipe, which makes eight servings, is below.


-2 tablespoons of olive oil
-2 garlic cloves, diced
-1/2 of a medium-sized onion, diced
-2 leaks with the dark green parts removed and thinly sliced
-2 tablespoons thyme
-8 cups of low sodium veggie stock
-2 cups of water
-1 can of cannellini beans
-6 cups of fresh greens (We used spinach, kale, and chard)
-1 package of tortellini or ravioli (We used a vegan Spinach Florentine Ravioli from Whole Foods but you can use whichever kind suits your personal preference, of course!)

1.) Add the olive oil, onions, and leaks in a large pot over medium heat. Sauté the mixture for four minutes. Add in the diced garlic and thyme and sauté for an additional two minutes.

2.) Add in the veggie stock and the water.  Let it cook until it starts bubbling, and then let it simmer for about ten more minutes.

3.) Drain and rinse the cannellini beans before adding to the pot along with the ravioli or tortellini of our choice. Let it simmer for two minutes.

4.) Add the greens and stir. Season to your liking.

5.) Eat, eat, eat!!!

Feel free to add in the slices of plant-based cheese too! My personal favorite brand is Violife :)

This is so perfect for a cold, wintry night. Personally, we made White Russians and danced around the kitchen to Christmas tunes as we made this, and it was festively fantastic! Let me know if you try this recipe and how you change it to fit your tastes.

Happy eating!

Recipe Rundown | Vegan Mozzarella Tomato Basil Salad

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Who out there likes food? Did I hear a unanimous "Heck yeah, Allie, of freakin' course I love food, ya fool"? That's what I thought.

But seriously ;) Food is probably my favorite thing in life after my loved ones. [Is that sad?] Regardless, today I wanted to share a Recipe Rundown of one of my favorite and easiest plant-based treats that would be perfect for any upcoming Labor Day parties you'll be attending.

What you'll need:

+ Fresh mozzarella (Miyoko's is a popular brand.)
+ 4 tomatoes
+ Fresh basil
+ Sea salt
+ Cracked black pepper

- - - - -

1.) Cut the tomatoes up into smaller slices.

 2.) Add in your cut up vegan mozzarella pieces.

 3.) Cut up your fresh basil and add it to your tomato/basil mixture.

4.) Add your desired amount of sea salt and cracked pepper for taste and stir all the ingredients together to mix up all the goodies.

5.) Dig in.
- - - - -

See what I mean? I told you it's a stupid easy quick and simple recipe to make. Plus, it tastes like the (Yep. It's that good.) So get ready to whip up a batch, bring it to your next picnic, and have people following you around all day asking for seconds. Let me know if you try it and what you think! (You can thank me later ;P)

What's your favorite vegan recipe?


PS: While you're here, don't forget to enter the three giveaways that are currently going on. You can enter to win $20 to Collette's Closet Online Boutique [ending TONIGHT, so hurry!], a necklace from Olive Yew, and hair accessories from Northernly!

Review: Vegan Cuts Snack Box

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hey all!  It's the weekend.  Yippeeeee!

So I'm not sure if you know this or not, but I have been a vegetarian for 10 years.  Throughout the past decade, I have to say I've seen animal-friendly goods come leaps and bounds.  And that just makes my animal loving heart ecstatic!

Nowadays, we even have Vegan Cuts.  Have you guys ever heard of Vegan Cuts?  It's a really great website that offers all kinds of healthy, 100% vegan products.  It is exactly what animal lovers -vegetarian, vegan, and meat eaters alike- needed.  Although all the products are meat-free, even carnivores can appreciate the amazing products they offer, all in the name of animal welfare [I mean, who doesn't like animals?!] and health.

Now they have even gone above & beyond and offer a monthly subscription service.  For $19.95 a month you can get their Snack Box.  It has all kinds of new, amazing vegan products for you to try each month.  I had been wanting to try it out, and I was so excited when Vegan Cuts sent me their May 2013 Snack Box to try!  Check out my video review below.

If you want to order any of these delicious items that were featured in this month's Vegan Cuts Snack Box, check out  As mentioned in the video, be sure to use promo code "BOX10" for 10% off marketplace orders before June 30th!

I received this Snack Box from Vegan Cuts free of charge to review.  All of the views expressed are my own and 100% my true feelings.  Seriously, guys.  This stuff is gewd.


PS: Don't forget to enter both of the giveaways that are currently going on (found here and here) while you're here!

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